Also known as Amy, but the majority of the time it's 'Mammy'. I'm Mammy to my little munchkin Oskar (born Oct '10) a little diva, Erika (born Mar '13) two cats; Sid and Nancy and three fishies. I'm partial to a spot of leopard print, Hello Kitty and anything cat related. I love the sea and want to live right by it one day. Rock and Roll is my music of choice, and I enjoy a glass of wine, or three. Taking photographs and eating cheese and olives are also very important.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

My New Year's Resolutions/2013 To-Do List.

1. Take him to the cinema before Erika is born.
2. Take him to Flamingo Land in February to see the animals.
3. Go to the park more often.
4. Buy him a 'big boy' bed.
5. Try to have more patience with him.
6. Have him fully potty trained before baby arrives

1. Try to enjoy the last stage of pregnancy, as it's probably the last time I'll do it.
2. Try my best not to have a c-section.
3. Breastfeed for at least 6 months.
4. Take a daily photo in the same place every day.
5. Hold off weaning until 6 months old.

1. Resist the chocolate cravings.
2. Get back into shape within 12 months of giving birth.
3. Have a 'date night' once a month with Shaun.
4. Wear more self tan so I look more alive.
5. Drink more water..

1. Keep on top of cleaning/washing.
2. Food shop at Aldi to save money.
3. Take up the carpet on the stairs and paint them.
4. Get a new blind for the bedroom.
5. Get a blind for the bathroom.

1. Make friends with Oliver the stray cat.

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